A Christian Community Centre
Conversation starters
(irrespective of your religion or lack of it)
Common decency isn't so common anymore...Why?
(thanks to all who answered that question...
very interesting comments!)
Demonstrate Christianity, don't just talk it. That means ditching hate, caring for people, loving and helping them. A pleasant word to others wouldn't go amiss too, even if you have little or no faith. If you know of Jesus, try thinking, acting and speaking like he did.
Think about the children of today....
Think about YOUR children....
What will this life be like in ten, twenty, years?
Good enough reason to take Christ on board.
Let's make Christianity simple and understandable to "Joe Public".
Current situation with the building remedial work
as of Tuesday 19th November 2024
Most of our local community now know that we had to close temporarily as our flat roof was found to be constructed with RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) panels which are considered unsafe. Remedial work has now been completed. It has to be "signed off" by the relevant authority and then the job of cleaning and decorating needs to be undertaken.
Rumours are circulating that we will reopen in December, or for Christmas, or sometime next year.
Sorry, but we do not yet know when we will reopen
We will keep you up to date on this website and not through gossip.
Thank you to everyone, especially those church members, the Methodist Circuit and those in the community who are helping in a practical way, or a spiritual way or financially and to those who have emailed us with words of encouragement.
Thanks also go to our builders who have worked tirelessly and speedily to help us get through this crisis.
Watch this space (as they say!)
By the's RAACs which is the problem
and NOT RATs !
Whatever happens, God's Will through prayer, will prevail.
"What is RAAC ?" ....the question has been asked many times.
Perhaps this photo of the RAAC ceiling panels surrounding the rooflights in one of the corridors in church will explain. In our case, they are structural roof panels made from reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete which are used as the flat roof section in church. (Hope that helps!)
We are a part of the
Faithlift © Carl Brettle
King Street
M6 7GY
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